What is the point of Pep Rallys? i ask this to every brave soul who reads this. please someone tell me! i am a teenager in a football/baseball/basketball infested society and cannot escape these strange rituals that border on cultish insanity. why does the school system require us to come to see the team that i don't care about, that never wins , be cheered on by a bunch of cheerleaders whom i do not like. I think i've finally figured it out. THE SCHOOL SYSTEM IS SCREWED. i can name quite a few down sides i doubt the school system would like if they knew it about pep rallys. course; being me i'll tell them to you. 1) people could pass off drugs to each other. very easy to do in crowds. not that i'm talking from experience mind you. 2)people can make out. that is of course a major plus for the students so i probably shouldn't be listing it. 3) students are wasting precious learning time. if they were in actual school they could be passing notes or causing a ruckus. that would be soooooo much funner than a pep rally. 4) Students aren't even paying attention to the idiots hosting the pep rally. why would they? pep rallys are stupid. 5) students are whispering and talking amoung themselves. as the school system you must frown upon that and make it stop. so stop pep rallys!Hopefully this short essay will change minds about evil, boring, pain-in-the-butt pep rallys. STOP THE PEP RALLYS! and give more federal grants to Drama programs!